Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. ~Abraham Lincoln
Two months ago one of my sons was diagnosed with bone cancer, Osteosarcoma, in his left femur. He'll have approximately 9 months of chemotherapy with limb salvage at month three. His prognosis is high at around seventy-plus percent. My strength has come in the moments of observing his courage and faith. As a Mom, dealing with his diagnosis and the very intense protocol, I have felt overwhelmed to the point that several times drowning in my own insanity seemed to be a near reality! Meditation has afforded me clarity, calmness and enough silence for me to begin to gain my footing.
The flood of emotions caused by our innate fight or flight mechanism is dangerous. Today as I meditated, I saw in my minds eye - the flood waters receding...I noticed that I felt calmer, safer and more at peace. My faith is being challenged, my son is suffering, grief twists through me like a hurricane - but in this moment I can stand firm, I can choose to look only at whats left when I think I'm one-hundred percent empty...and that is HOPE. And for that, I am grateful!