"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." Teilhard de Chardin
Monday, November 14, 2011
Peace in the Valley
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." ~ Teilhard de Chardin
Our journey into humanness is mostly spent wandering through the valley of our lives. From our struggles we are graced with brief respites on the mountain tops. There we gain strength of mind, body and spirit. Lightness of being gives us hope.
Although we have felt alone, we are not. We have been lifted up by our community of faith. Fellow travelers on this journey who assure us that all is forgiven, we all have scars, some of which are unseen. If we turn our hearts and minds to others our burdens are not so heavy to bear. Faith guides us to the waterfall of redemption.
These Moments in between the peaks and valley give us time to pause and reflect back on the path from which we have come. We wrestle violently with our thoughts of yesterday and gaze through the veil of uncertainty at what lie ahead. Our hearts encased behind walls of ice thaw and flow downward watering the ground beneath. There are no regrets, no sorrows; the veil is lifted and we ascend upward on gentle wings towards the sound of the still small voice calling in the darkness.
As we reach the pinnacle of our journey a bounty awaits. A breath of new life fills our being. We pause before our descent and intuitively know that for a moment there will be peace in the valley.