"Meditation raises consciousness and spirituality." ~KCH
A labyrinth is an ancient symbol of an inward journey that relates to wholeness. It's a representation of a journey to our own center and back out again. It is one of the many paths used for meditative journey's. We are all on a path and exactly where we need to be (whether we like it or not - it, the journey, becomes more bearable if we look for the lessons). For some of us it is difficult to stay on the path, for whatever reason our humanness colors our world (personal history, untapped coping skills, chemical imbalances,lack of focus, inadequate self discipline and rebellion - to name a few).
One of the goals of our spiritual journey is to try different methods of healing. Our personal history, religious upbringing, life's experiences and dedication to the journey will predicate which method of the inward journey works best for us. Life is a sacred journey, each moment is precious. The labyrinth represents a journey to our own center and we meander back out into the real world with a raised conscious and enhanced spirituality. It is a direct experience ...a circuitous path to the center and out again with a sense of wholeness and purpose.