"We do not know God by thinking, but by encountering."
~St.John of the Cross
To still the body long enough for the mind to follow is a huge challenge for most of us. Our minds race, our senses become superimposed and we hear every sound and smell every fragrance around us. Lately I have been using a meditation room at a facility (due to circumstances beyond my control)...and I can hear people coming and going, children crying, an espresso machine (coffee smell and all), elevators doors opening and closing, someone even opened the door to the meditation room and peaked in! In some respects because of my awareness of the world around me - you could say I am being in the moment.
It sort of looks like being in the moment - but I'm not fully in my body so it doesn't count as being in the moment! In true meditation one pulls all of their senses inward, paying only attention to how we feel. How does it the rise and fall of our breath calm us? Do our thoughts start racing the longer we sit still? Is there a moment when you cross the bridge from consciousness to unconsciousness? Do you sit still long enough to fell that sense of clarity that we feel when we touch God?