“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.” ~ Rumi
In meditation the veil of illusion falls away. One achieves a state of pure bliss. There are no words to adequately describe the immediate or residual feelings, no paintings that accurately evoke emotions strong enough to portray such a vast expanse...for much in lost in the translation. Meditation is an experience into the reality of existence...a pure love beyond thought and form.
Mainstream manifestations of the treatise on love would lead one to believe that love is found through the actions of loving another in, perhaps, a romantic way. One can easily access an infinite supply of media - movies, songs, entire lines of retail markets whose livelihood are sustained by selling devices to enhance an individuals chances of gaining and sustaining romantic love. In fact - there's an entire day dedicated to the love of intimate companions - Valentines Day. Although romantic love is of importance for the propagation of the human species (which is an extremely valuable aspiration), a love that aids in our human emotions of companionship and comfort, survival or demise - it is not the type of love that truly allows an individual to have inner peace. If you've ever been involved in a romantic relationship - you know this to be true! In loving another there is inevitably the opposite emotion - in its extreme form there is "hate", in a minor form of opposition "disdain/dislike/discomfort" of or for the other. When in an intimate relationship with another one can be moved from love to hate within a single breath. Divine love...supreme love...ultimate love is true love - everlasting love and is not fleeting or momentary - it, this love, is there waiting patiently and freely for you to call.
There is no illusion, vanity or pride in divine love, no chaos or confusion. Just a pure and simple breadth, width, depth of consciousness. Divine love is that animating part of the individual - a space in which one feels a unity or oneness with the world. Divine, as in transcendence of the ordinary realm of being - a life force that presides within and around us. The belief in such a "power" or energy allows for the individual to let life unfold on the path in which it was intended.