"All you need is love, love, love is all you need.There's nothing you can know that isn't known.Nothing you can see that isn't shown.Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.It's easy.All you need is love, all you need is love,All you need is love, love, love is all you need." ~ the Beatles
Love of self ignites the light within our being, a deep intrinsic knowing of the ultimate reality of our existence is available to us all. We live in the 21st century, gone are the dark ages - a time marked by religious authority imposing its will on the individual and rational thought replaced personal experience. Today is the time of true enlightenment - a period of knowing - an inner path of awareness.
How does one arrive at this place of awareness? The wisest answer would be - GRACE. Awareness is not arrived at by sheer force of will. It is bestowed upon those who seek it in mind, body and soul. Meditation is a daily path to seek wholeness. Sitting quietly and intently focused upon the breath - a bridge that links consciousness to unconsciousness. Direct experience is the best teacher to come to the awareness of the light within.
Is there a way to measure the light or love? It feels like freedom, peace, serenity - a feather floating along on a gentle breeze. Love is an awakening of all the senses to a place of true oneness.