"The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely” ~ Carl G. Jung
What are several of the obstacles to self love? Self doubt, lack of desire, no vision...(make your own personal list).
Is there a misunderstanding? Self love is not hedonistic, nor narcissistic. Neither is it - a lack of love for the Divine or others.
The key to self love is total and unconditional acceptance of self. There's an old expression, "love yourself warts and all". Acceptance is rooted deeply in reality...the here and now.
How does one arrive at this place of unconditional acceptance of self? The simple answer would be - have a desire. But just sitting around wishing for something isn't going to get you very far - you have to take action! For example, "part of what blocks me from loving myself is an inability to forgive myself for past transgressions." - If that's the case then ask for forgiveness from yourself and the God of your understanding (it's completely an inside job). Another example - one that really hits home with me, a middle aged female, is I struggled with body image...CHANGE your perspective - stop looking in the mirror and judging your insides by the outsides of others...we weren't all born a size 2, nor were we born to go hungry - a goal is to eat healthy and exercise! (come up with the action necessary to move off the line of angst and struggling to a place of surrender and acceptance).
There's an image that we all hold in our minds eye of who and what we are or what we "think" we should be. Self love requires a desire and action. It's comprised of vision, dedication, commitment, TENACITY and is within each and everyone of our reach! Living in the present moment one can not help but be filled with intense gratitude. Lack of self love is part of that "mental image" and not only is affecting us personally - it affects every single person we meet. Science has revealed to us that we are largely a product of what we think. Meditation is a process of stilling the body long enough for the mind to follow. In the stillness we align our will with the will of our Higher Self.
With a daily practice of meditation you come to rest in a place of peace and serenity that overrides all mental suffering! Through grace we all have the ability to love ourselves totally and completely without reservation.
...ACCEPTANCE is the key that unlocks the door to the prison of self...