~ author unknown
We all have them - parts of our self that have fractured or splintered off due to trauma. Some of us have more trauma which equals more splinters. Have you ever been planting something and accidentally gotten a splinter in your finger? When you pull the splinter out the wound heals naturally because that's your bodies response to foreign invasion. What happens when you don't get the splinter out? After days, perhaps weeks, the foreign object goes deep beyond the surface. The sight of origin may have redness and tenderness, it will often become infected requiring medical attention. Splinters in our psyche are much like this. Tender places deep inside of us that can not be seen with the naked eye or under a microscope. Depending on our level of self-awareness we may know that the wounds are there...festering deep inside of us trying to work their way out. Just like a splinter that has lodged in our finger the splinters in our soul will try to find their own way out into the sunlight, even if it means coming out sideways. To the outside observer this sideways behavior often seems incongruent to the situation at hand, but to the reactor the behavior seems just.
Perhaps our souls were wounded in childhood by our perceptions of religious teachings. Maybe we were traumatized by those around us who inflected unjust blows onto our psyches in our most formative years. Whatever the trauma we all have a degree of it. The question is - what do you do about it?
Years ago Albert Einstein while working on one of his famous theories came across what he called, "the spooky effect." He couldn't make sense of something he saw...molecular particles at a distance effecting other particles. In today's modern science this theory is called Quantum Entanglement. In essence what this theory implies is that something is taking place beyond the eyes ability to perceive it, something that defies the bounds of time and space. The implications of this theory are what psychologist call transference and it's happening at a soul level, meaning beyond consciousness and ego defenses.
The reason our psyche splinters is to protect our core. We are born with our core - our soul. At our core we are spiritual beings. This core is the vital animating part - it's what makes us alive. No matter what your religious or spiritual beliefs, whether you are agnostic or atheist...you know there's something that makes you a living breathing entity!
Breath is the bridge that connects life to consciousness. It's our bodies natural way of healing itself. But if the splinters are too deep...we may require assistance from another. Meditation and spiritual direction are wonderful tools for healing our wounded soul. Something happens beyond our ability to see with the naked eye. A process of natural healing deep within! Finally science and spiritual disciplines agree upon a theory of the wounded healer. One never can be sure...who's really helping who!