"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." Teilhard de Chardin

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is, in reality, nothing more than a way of leading us to see and obey the real Director — ... the Spirit hidden in the depths of our soul. ~ Thomas Merton

Spiritual direction is the ancient practice of companioning another on a spiritual journey. Typically this companioning is done one on one under a formal covenant. We were intended to thrive in loving relationship with God and others. Often in our humanness we become lost. The true self becomes buried underneath the layers of our experiences and covered by the various mask we are often forced to wear. Spiritual formation for some comes quickly...for others it comes slowly over time. Yielding to authentic transformation seems foreign. Do you stop and ask directions when you are on a journey and don't know which fork in the road to take?