Spirituality can not be defined, but can be described as a journey to the center of the Soul.
- Peter Kemmsies
On our spiritual journey, an inward path, we spiral deeper and deeper into the core of ourselves in hopes of finding God. God has been there all along, patiently waiting for our arrival. We wrestle with fear and doubt, shame and confusion but in the silence we preserver onward...inward. Hopefully as we grow and mature our perceptions change from borrowing the faith of others to finding a spiritual maturity of our own understanding.
Meditation gives us space. Time to pause in order to gain the courage to look deep within ourselves. It can be a very rewarding journey but also the most frightening one of all. To sit in silence, to be in darkness waiting patiently for wisdom...enlightenment - takes diligence.
The funny thing about a spiral is that it always brings us back to the place that we began...