"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." Teilhard de Chardin

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Well-spring of Wisdom

The words of a person's mouth are like deep waters. The fountain of wisdom is an overflowing stream. ~ Proverbs 18:4

Meditation, a source of bliss. A path of connecting to self in body, mind and spirit flows endlessly by grace. It is a simple spiritual non-religious practice. Throughout history meditation was reserved for Mystics and Spiritual Leaders. Today, it is available to all who choose to journey into the valley of their own soul.

To go deep into the silence and stillness requires desire,willingness, patience, diligence, determination, perseverance and courage. The desire may come from a longing deep within ones soul or from life's circumstances - a mid-life crisis, loss of a relationship or just a yearning to delve into the deeper mysteries of life. Patience is cultivated by these desires and the other virtue's begin to stream endlessly as the meditator sits breathing in deeply and exhaling gently.

There are common themes in the experiences of meditative practice but the well-spring of wisdom that flows forth is as unique as the individual. Ego falls away. Feelings of oneness pervade and resonate as you go forth into your day. One begins to have a sense of self as calm and assured. Understanding - a true knowing resides in us all. By simply being still you uncover what lies deep within!

Suggested Meditation practice:

Find a safe and comfortable place to practice daily.
Wear comfortably clothing, set a timer for 3,7,9,11 or 15 minutes (whatever time you can begin with and stick with it for at least six weeks)
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and open your mind.
Relax your body, relax your mind.
Do ten deep relaxing breaths (inhaling deeply and exhaling gently)
Become an observer of your thoughts do not follow them.
When your thoughts become bothersome or distracting bring your intention and attention back to the breath.
When your practice time has passed remember to slowly open your eyes and to stretch your arms and legs before standing up!
Keep a journal of your experiences.

A teacher will come when the time is right!