"Life is not the object of science: we see a little, very little; and what is beyond we can only conjecture. If we enquire of those who have gone before us, we receive small satisfaction; some have travelled life without observation, and some willingly mislead us. The only thought, therefore, on which we can repose with comfort, is that which presents to us the care of Providence, whose eye takes in the whole of things, and under whose direction all involuntary errours will terminate in happiness." ~ Samuel Johnson
Life is a mystery...one that more than like can not or will not be solved. Moment by moment, day by day life unfolds within and around us. With awareness we pause, take inventory, investigate the nature of our situation and set out on a course of action. This is how we grow. In our humanness we are fallible. This fallibility is what causes us to stumble and fall. It's also what causes us to "pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off and start all over again." Can we do this alone with just our frail ego's?
We are not alone in the mystery. Beyond thought and form, beyond images and symbols, beyond the subtle knowing there is a force at work. There are many names for this "force"; God, Higher Power, Yahweh, Vishnu, Allah - but the names all mean the same thing...the only difference is our path. We can find God in the faces of others, see the mystery at work in their lives. Often in nature when we pause and take notice we too can find God there. Meditation is just one path to touch God, it's a journey to our mystical core. If you are struggling to find peace and serenity the ancient practice of meditation by its very nature will guide you inward. The beauty of it is...you will see God in the faces of others and in nature!