Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
Thomas Merton
We spent our lives being guided and taught by those around us, either learning the lessons or repeating them. Intently searching for happiness only to have it elude us. With self awareness one recognizes the vicious cycle of repition - of "not learning the lesson" of never finding happiness. Years ago as I struggled with vicious cycles of repeting lessons and of being utterly miserable, I was given a life tool that has taken me way too long to learn how to use. It started when someone introduced me to the word BALANCE. I remember walking around trying to figure out exactly what was meant by balance and got the not so bright idea to visualize a level in the center of my forehead. Thus balance became about centering my mind, nothing too far right and nothing too far left. Years passed, and balance became solely about keeping the bubble in the center of the level; keeping my thinking centered. I was on the right track, or at least in the ballpark, but with every major life event I would inevitably fall off balance. What I have come to realize is the balance that I was searching for wasn't just mental balance. It's about mind, body and spirit. True happiness comes from embarking on a journey to the center of self for that's where balance is found. The vehicle that takes you there is a still mind and body. Within each of us lies the answers we are searching for. How are going to know, if you don't go ?