Speaking on the subject of meditation is like trying to explain the taste of the sweetness of sugar to one who has never tasted sugar! Experiencing meditation is the best way to understand, to awaken - thus, become enlightened. We live in a world...a community...a space inside of ourselves...that feeds, thrives on WORDS and the thought processes that are crucial to producing them. Thinking is not a state of resting in the present moment, rather it resides in the past or in the future, or worse - in a state of neurosis where you are residing simultaneously in the past and future. Words trigger thoughts and thoughts trigger emotions! So how does one get past thoughts? A simple answer would be let go of the words.
It would seem contradictory to say, "describe how the picture above makes you feel". To feel implies that you are experiencing emotions. The Latin root of the word emotions is "to move through or out of" - meaning emotion is energy in MOTION. If emotions and thoughts (which oscillate in the form of brain waves) are energy, then the question arises how does one stop the energy? You can't stop the energy not even at death as consciousness survives death. But you can find peace - here and now in this moment by changing the words the thoughts will change, the emotions that follows will change and the energy will change. It all seems rather circular doesn't it?
Life is circular! The ego is an illusion of the false self that arises in a linear fashion. All thoughts and emotions rise and fall...begin and end. Breath cycles in and out...in and out...around and around and around. Pure being - true consciousness circulates on the breath. For a moment...focus only on your breath...breathing in and out...gently inhaling and exhaling deeply. Now look at the picture above...and let what arises in you resonate for a moment...
That is the essence of meditation!