"Living in the present moment is the only way to develop peace, both in one's self and in the world..." KCH
As a child you accepted the world with open arms. Every experience was new and exciting. Sand between your toes felt wonderful, ocean spray on your skin was life's natural glitter - your imagination ran wild. You smiled, laughed and giggled with seemingly little cause. Resentment, nor anger nor fear lived in you. Life was a journey with each breath. Living fully in the present moment was as easy as ABC and 123. So what happened?
One day you began to look outside of yourself. You began to compare yourself to others and convinced yourself that you never measured up...that's what happens when we compare our insides to the outsides of others. That voice of negativity, the bad wolf, the ego self, the darkness...YOUR MIND...whatever you call it - IT - not you - took over. You began to attract REALLY negative people into your life - who reinforce your unhappiness (because that's how energy works!) There began to be a mental dialogue of negativity in the form of complaints because some perceived need wasn't being met. The word failure replaced the word lessons in your vocabulary. Layer upon layer of wants and desires filled your being. Next thing you know - many years have past since you lived in the present moment. You now reside in memories or projections. You can't remember the last time you smiled, laughed or giggled for no reason. Do you miss you?
There's not much chance that you didn't say no. The child that you were - who was able to live fully in the present moment, the one who accepted everyone unconditionally, who could always feel the ground beneath their feet and the wind in your hair, who smiled, laughed and giggled just because life was so fantastic...lives in the core of your being - just busting at the seams to BE.
I'm not saying all you have to do is want your inner child - your inner core can be reach in one second...spend some time meditating...recalibrate your energy...laugh at the cacophony of frogs outside your window. Smile at a stranger...giggle just because it tickles your insides. And know that it's 100% okay to just be you because that's who you were created to be! It won't be long...and you'll be loving yourself again...because it truly is a choice to live in the here and now.