Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. ~Maori Proverb
Habits...some good, some bad take little effort to manifest. Without conscious effort we all become products of our thinking. With awareness brought forth through the process of meditation we gain the ability to not only choose how we think but how we feel.
During the meditative practice, those moments spent in the quiet stillness - we gain fresh insights, new perspectives. For some the insights may come in the form of sensations, a pleasant feeling of stress release. Others may gain a new perspective by the images that flood their minds eye or from the phrases or words that seem to appear in your conscious awareness from sources unknown. With patience, diligence and dedication to your meditative practice the seemingly random nudging from the depths of your being are made conscious.
With conscious awareness, a sense of being grounded in the present moment - here and now we have the ability to choose to take the good and leave the rest behind.