Breathing is the bridge between mind and body, the connection between consciousness and unconsciousness, the movement of spirit in matter. ~ Andrew Weil
Bridges provide passage from one place to another, a connection joining two parts. We most often think of a bridge as a structure spanning the expanse across water or a link that allows us to cross from one side of terrain to another. When we encounter a bridge in our everyday life most of us cross it without a question or hesitation - we assume it's of a sound structure and that we have the rite of safe passage. In meditation we use the metaphor of the breath as a bridge. It's a symbol of crossing from the conscious mental chatter to our spiritual core where stillness lay patiently waiting for us to arrive.
Breath, the essence of life - a completely conscious or unconscious act. For a moment think about a time when you observed yourself or another in a highly emotional state. Was the breathing slow, calm or regular? NOT HARDLY! In a highly charged emotional state our breathing become rapid, intense and very irregular. If we learn to control our breathing we can learn to gain some composure over our volatile emotional states. We aren't always aware of our breathing - it happens whether we pay attention or not! In meditation we can choose to focus on our breathing - in doing so our breathing calms our physical bodies, slows down the incessant mental chatter and becomes the bridge that links us from the external world to the still calmness that is who we fundamentally are.
Here's a simple meditative exercise you can try:
Find a safe and comfortable place - free from distractions.
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and open your mind - relax your mind, relax your body.
Take 3 deep breaths in and out.
Pay attention only to how good it feels to breath. When your attention is drawn away by thoughts bring it back to the breath.
The stillness waits patiently!